
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Running with God Cures the Winter Blues

Do you have Seasonal Effective Disorder?  Sometimes this is also called Seasonal or Winter Depression. Some people call it cabin fever.  If you have this affliction I have the cure for you.  As winter comes the days start getting shorter and we get less and less sunlight.  I find this somewhat depressing myself but I know that Spring will come.  In the mean time there are things that can be done to prevent this depression.  Praying and running are two great ways to keep your sanity during the winter time.

Praying can help with our mental stability.  Being close to God will help lift our spirits each day regardless of the season.  The more we are in communion with God the better we can see the beauty in the world around us.  God loves us and the more we talk and walk (or run) with him the more we feel his love and presence.

Our winter time depression may also come from chemical changes in our brain due to lack of sunshine. There are chemicals in our brain that are released as we spend time in the sun.  Many of these chemicals regulate our body functions and mood.  One specific chemical that is released in our bodies because of sunshine is Vitamin D.  There is some thought that low levels of Vitamin D leads to fatigue.  If you are able to run during the winter this will expose your body to more sunshine and help release chemicals that help with our energy level.  Activity also helps release endorphin.  Endorphins help us feel more energetic and give us a natural high as when people say that have a runners high.

If praying helps prevent the winter blues and running helps us feel more energetic just think of the powerful effect of doing them at the same time.  This could be your best winter yet!

God's gift of sunshine

Autumn canopy

Beautiful country road
*Running tip - Be prepared to run during the cold weather.  I have several long sleeve shirts of different thicknesses.  I often wear a thick running jacket with pockets.  I like the pockets because I can put my phone inside and listen to my christian running playlist.  I also have gloves for running and a sock hat.  If I warm up I can take these off and put them in my pocket.  When it is real cold I will wear a face mask. Running clothes can be expensive but are often made well enough to use for years.  My present running paints are in great shape and I have had them for about 5 years.  Also Christmas is only 51 days away and running gear can make for great gifts.

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