
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Listening to God while You Run

I know lots of people listen to music when they run.  I run past them all the time with their ear buds in.  I have never been one to wear ear buds.  I like to hear what is going on around me.  If there is a car coming behind me, a biker passing me, or a faster runner is coming from behind I would like some advanced warning.  Have you ever passed a fellow runner or walker and they didn't know you were there until they saw you out of the corner of their eye?  You know the look when they nearly jump out of their shoes.  Well I can't stand the fear of having that happen.  A few years ago my wife bought a spy belt.  It is a great device that fastens around your waist like a fanny pack but it is very small and compact and fits the contour of what is inside of it.  I used it a couple of time when I had to carry my smart phone with me during a run.  It works well and when my shirt is pulled over it, people can't tell I have it on. On one of those runs it hit me that I could listen to my music while I was using the spy belt.

I soon had a playlist for my runs.  This was great.  I could listen to music to get me pumped during my runs.  One day when life was treating being unkind I left for a run in a depressed mood.  I was definitely not in a mood for my running playlist and its upbeat up-tempo songs.  So I thought I would listen to something else.  I tapped my "Faith" playlist and off I went.  It seemed like some of the songs spoke to my problems and by the end of my run I was not depressed.  It didn't take me long to realize that listening to my "Faith" play list on other runs my be uplifting.  Since that time I take my music on most runs.  There are some days that I do like up-tempo music so I have a playlist that has Christian music that is more upbeat.  Some of my favorite songs on it are Move by MercyMe, Eye On It and Unstoppable by tobyMac, and Every Good Thing by The Afters.  Just this morning tobyMac sang "You sing to me and my heart comes to life"  How fitting.

If you run and listen to Christian music leave a comment and tell us what some of your favorite songs are to run to.


  1. How about I'm Alive by Peter Furler

    1. Great song to run to. Thanks for the suggestion.
